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Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (20480)

Course Description
This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This course helps students gain basic HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript programming skills. The course focuses on using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured applications.
Students attending this course will learn how to use HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to build responsive and scalable Web applications that can dynamically detect and adapt to different form factors and device capabilities.
This course uses Visual Studio 2012, running on Windows 8.

At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Explain how to use Visual Studio 2012 to create and run a Web application.
  • Describe the new features of HTML5, and create and style HTML5 pages.
  • Add interactivity to an HTML5 page by using JavaScript.
  • Create HTML5 forms by using different input types, and validate user input by using HTML5 attributes and JavaScript code.
  • Send and receive data to and from a remote data source by using XMLHTTP Request objects and jQuery AJAX operations.
  • Style HTML5 pages by using CSS3.
  • Create well-structured and easily-maintainable JavaScript code.
  • Use common HTML5 APIs in interactive Web applications.
  • Create Web applications that support offline operations.
  • Create HTML5 Web pages that can adapt to different devices and form factors.
  • Add advanced graphics to an HTML5 page by using Canvas elements, and by using and Scalable Vector Graphics.
  • Enhance the user experience by adding animations to an HTML5 page.
  • Use Web Sockets to send and receive data between a Web application and a server.
  • Improve the responsiveness of a Web application that performs long-running operations by using Web Worker processes.
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Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

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